Youth Ministry
There are many exciting events and activities happening for both youth and parents throughout this year.
Youth Ministry exists at St. Paul to
Help create a safe Christian environment for youth
Create opportunities for youth to learn how to serve others
Connect youth with families for faith growing opportunities
Help youth live out their faith

Middle School Youth
6th—8th Grade students meet with Jeremy and High School Leaders for Sunday School during the School year. Teen Nights are typically the first Friday of the Month and Service Projects are scheduled throughout the year to build friendships and have fun as we learn about God and serve others.
Youth Calendar
Click on the events in the Youth Calendar below to find out more details and registration links.
You can also add the Youth Calendar to your Google, Android, or Apple Calendars by clicking here.

High School Youth
All high school students and their friends are invited to join us for Spirit Nights on Wednesday (7:30 to 9:00 p.m.). There are fellowship events, service projects, and trips planned during the year.