Special Events
There are special events that happen throughout the year at St. Paul. We would love to have you join us.

Blessing of the Backpacks
Always scheduled for the Sunday before school begins each August. All students bring their backpacks to be blessed during worship services at 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM.

The Blessing of the Animals
Bring your pet for this special blessing in honor of St. Francis day. We will spread out on the front lawn area. Pet parade, music, FREE raffles, and more! Date TBD.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat- Decorate your car and bring some treats and come on out to the St. Paul Parking lot! Food, fellowship, and fun at a safe distance. Fall date TBA.

Preschool Christmas Program
Date TBA

Easter Egg Hunt
Held on the Saturday morning before Palm Sunday.

Quiet Christmas
An evening of music and readings followed by a light reception will take place on a Sunday evening on December.

Weston Fourth of July Parade
Parade scheduled by the City of Weston.

Church Work Day
Church Work Days are scheduled a couple times during the year. Service hours for teens are provided. The next date TBA.

Stations of the Cross
Held in Peace Mound Park at Noon on Good Friday.