Music Ministry
At St. Paul, we LOVE music! There are many ways to get involved with our music ministry. The Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, and Bell Choir are always welcoming new members.

on Adult Choir
The Adult Choir meets on Thursday nights at 7: 30 pm. E-mail Jure Rozman, the director with any questions.

Kids Choir
Kids, this is your chance to share your gifts of singing and acting and shine for Jesus! The Kids Choir is more than just a choir. It’s a drama team and a group of friends. Irene Villanueva leads this group. You can e-mail her for more information.

Bell Choir
The Bell Choir is a fun way to participate in worship. Joining is as simple as coming to practice. This group meets Thursday night s 6: 30 pm. E-mail Christine Viscovich, the director, with all of your questions.